

Sit down with the legs straight in front of the body. After that bend the right leg and place the foot under the left thigh. Then bend the left leg and keep the foot under the right thigh. Place the hands on the knees. Chin should be in. Keep the head, neck and back straight, close the eyes. Relax your body.


1. It facilitates mental and physical balance without causing strain or pain.

2. It stretches and lengthens spine.

3. It calms your mind.

4. It enhances your peace of mind.

5.It reduces anxiety, stress and mental fatigue.

6. It helps in improving body posture.

7. It provides gentle massage to knees, calf muscles and thighs.

8. It spreads a sense of calmness throughout your body and mind.


1.If your knees and hips are injured or inflamed, you should avoid this asana.

2. If you have a slipped disc problem, you should take a proper care while performing this asana.