
 Correct level is essential.

 When the balance of hemoglobin in the body deteriorates, the risk of many diseases increases. Usually this deficiency goes away by improving the diet, but sometimes medicines have to be taken.

 Hemoglobin is a type of protein molecule. One of its main functions is to transport oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body and from there to carry carbon dioxide back to the lungs. The marrow present inside our bones, produces blood cells. There are about 5 million red blood cells in a cubic millimeter of blood. These cells are round, in which the middle part is slightly suppressed. Hemoglobin is present inside these red blood cells. Our blood also gets its red color from the iron present in hemoglobin. The size of red blood cells can also change when hemoglobin is more or less, due to which their work is also affected.

What is normal level:

The average level of hemoglobin in a normal and healthy man can be 13.5 to 17.5 grams per deciliter, while the average level of hemoglobin in a healthy woman can be from 12.0 to 15.5 grams per deciliter. If hemoglobin reaches below 6 grams per deciliter, then there is a chance of hospitalization and blood transfusion, and if treatment is not given, life can also be lost. Low level of hemoglobin is called anemia. At the same time, if it is more than the average, there is a condition of polycythemia.

 Due to low hemoglobin:

Usually after the age of 40, doctors recommend a check-up once a year. Deficiencies of certain dietary supplements, such as iron, vitamin B-12 and folate deficiencies may lower hemoglobin levels. Apart from this, pregnancy, abnormal menstruation or injury, high blood pressure, leukemia (a type of cancer), thalassemia, kidney and liver diseases, hypo-thyroid, dehydration, excessive vomiting, excessive physical exertion or burns, low hemoglobin levels may be. If there is a loss of hemoglobin in pregnancy, it can lead to severe anemia, which can lead to premature delivery, birth of a very low birth weight baby and postpartum depression in the mother.

What are the symptoms:

  Symptoms such as weakness, dizziness, confusion, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, strange sounds in the ears, chest pain, headache, cold extremities and pale complexion are seen when hemoglobin levels are low.

Too much hemoglobin:

 Hemoglobin levels are usually higher than normal in those who live in mountainous areas and are heavy smokers. Apart from this, diseases related to the lungs, such as emphysema, tumor polycythemia (disorder of the reed bone) or taking certain types of drugs can also lead to higher than normal hemoglobin levels. Symptoms:

 Blood clotting occurs when the amount of hemoglobin increases, which can further lead to heart attack, stroke and blood clotting in the lungs. Along with this, problems like joint and bone pain, headache, fatigue, stomach ache, confusion, itching (especially after bathing), bleeding heavily after injury. 

How to check:

 Complete blood count (CBC) is a blood test that measures the number, size and type of red blood cells in the blood. Similarly, the percentage of red blood cells is assessed through a test called hematocrit. Blood test is done for this.

 How to keep food.

 1.Eggs, meat and chicken are rich in iron, vitamin- B12, and folate. It is also found in good amounts in wheat, oatmeal, barley and brown rice. 

2.Due to Vitamin-C, the body is able to absorb hemoglobin properly. Therefore, include things like oranges, litchis, lemons, apricots and raisins in your diet. 

3.Dates, strawberries, watermelon, apple, pomegranate increase blood in the body rapidly. Especially by mixing pomegranate and gooseberry in apple, it gives excellent food, gives nutrition.

4.Along with iron, magnesium, vitamins A and C are also found in green vegetables like broccoli, spinach, amaranth and mustard.

5. Iron is abundant in beetroots, peas, tomatoes, tofu, curd, peanuts, dry fruits and dark chocolate.

 6. Rajma, gram and soybean are good sources of iron for vegetarians.