Black fungus:

 Mucor mycosis is a rare but serious fungal infection. It is caused by a group of fungus. It is also called black fungal disease. This infection mostly happens to those who already have a serious health problem or who are taking such indigenous medicines, which reduce immunity. This infection starts in the nose and throat, but quickly spreads to the eyes, brain and then the whole body. As the condition worsens, the risk to other organs increases. Mucor mycosis is not an infection, that is, it is not spread from person to person by direct contact. It is currently treated with anti-fungal drugs. If the infection does not stop, the infected tissue is surgically removed. Three reasons are believed to be the reason for its case in corona patients. First, the reduced immunity of patients infected with covid-19. Second, excessive use of steroids. Third, long-term oxygen therapy. If the oxygen pipe or marks are not clean or if distilled water is not being used in the cylinder. So it can become a medium of infection. Cases of covid-19 are increasing in those patients who already have diabetes, kidney, heart disease or cancer. Diabetes is a risk factor for covid-19 and also for mucor mycosis. According to a study published in the journal Medical Mycology, people who have a sugar level of 700-800, a condition called diabetic ketoacidosis, are more likely  to get  it. However, this infection can also happen to those who do not have covid.

How to be safe:

1. Keep your skin clean and dry, especially around the joints.

2. Wash your hands after touching animals, old soil or other people.

3. Take bath daily with clean water.

4. Wear shoes with socks.

5. Change socks daily

6.  Avoid wearing clothes that are too tight. Wear loose and comfortable clothes.

7. If you get drenched in the rain, then immediately change your clothes after taking a bath. 

8. Keep feet clean

9.Do not share shoes, nail cutters, hair brushes, combs, etc. with others as far as possible.

10. Keep washing your hair at regular intervals.