Health needs yoga supplements.

 The Corona period has emphasized the need for such a therapy, which not only prevents diseases, but also reduces the effects of diseases on the body. Then, science also considers the power of yoga in many problems related to lifestyle. On the occasion of World Yoga Day, June 21, I am going to tell you about the opinion of experts on the occasion of yoga in various diseases. The history of Yoga in Indian tradition is more than 5000 years old. Various asanas, meditation and pranayama are mentioned to successfully treat many diseases related to breath, mind and posture. Yoga is effective in these diseases. Anxiety and stress increase the problem of insomnia. It gradually weakens the immunity of the person. There is an increased risk of getting any diseases. But by regular yoga practice, good effects have been seen in various diseases related to lifestyle. It also increases immunity and strengthens stamina and muscles.

 Respiratory Diseases...

 While inhalers, nebulizers and medicines prevent the spread of infection in the lungs, pranayama, anulom-vilom, naukasana and deep breathing exercises can give very effective results to increase lung function. In diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis, asthma or COPD, the lungs become inflamed as well as shrink or perforate them. When this happens, the patient is not able to fully absorb oxygen and neither is able to completely expel carbon dioxide. Medicines are not only necessary, when yogic postures are practiced along with deep breathing, the patient gets more benefits.

Yoga changing over time..

 Ashtanga Yoga:

 This yoga, popularly known as Ashtanga Yoga, given by Maharishi Patanjali, is considered to be the main among all yoga postures. It is very beneficial in reducing weight, relieving lower back pain, headache as well as strengthening joints, increasing blood circulation and increasing concentration.

Kundalini Yoga:

When Kundalini is awakened through meditation, the seven chakras of our body are activated. This whole sequence is called Kundalini Yoga, its practice increases concentration and eliminates instability of the mind. 

Power Yoga:

 Power yoga ​included in Ashtanga yoga is very popular today, because instead of following a particular posture, different yoga gurus and fitness experts prepare it in their own way. Along with increasing the flexibility of the body, it is very effective in accelerating the metabolism and strengthening the muscles.

Yin Yoga:

  Special beneficial yoga for sportspersons that this method works to strengthen various parts of the body and muscles. But, Pranayama is not done in this method.

  Sivananda yoga:

   The basic aim of this yoga practiced by keeping Surya Namaskar and a balanced diet in the center is to control the breath. Due to its very simple, it is very popular in the country and abroad.